Spotlight Publishing House Author/Expert Showcase

The Power of Audiobooks - Expert Showcase with Twin Flames Studio

Becky Norwood - Spotlight Publishing House Season 1 Episode 13

This podcast features our exclusive interview with Tina Dietz - CEO and Founder of Twin Flames Studios.

Tina's work has been featured on media outlets including ABC, CBS, NBC, INC, HuffPost and Forbes. Her insatiable curiosity and quest to create more belonging in the world has taken her on a journey as an international speaker and executive business consultant, therapist, voice actor, university instructor, and lifelong entrepreneur. Tina's first podcast, The StartSomething Show, was named by INC magazine as one of the top 35 podcasts for entrepreneurs and she is recipient of the Evolutionary Business Council MORE award and the award for Outstanding Audio Company from The Winner’s Circle. Tina was also the lead interviewer in the podcasting documentary “The Messengers” and featured in the film.

The team at Twin Flames Studios make publishing an audiobook the easiest and best part of your thought leadership journey. For many authors, this is the next step of their publishing journey.

Spotlight Publishing House has selected Twin Flames Studios hands down as our collaboration partner of choice. Our authors always walk away happy. Twin Flames has a brilliant author narrated feature or you can choose a voice actor. 

U.S. audiobook sales in 2019 accounted for $1.2 billion alone—the eighth consecutive year where the industry saw double-digit growth. One in five Americans now regularly listens to audiobooks, so they present an opportunity for you to connect with and reach new audiences, taking your message right to the brains and hearts of your listeners.

The audiobook market has risen to over $1.2 billion in sales in the U.S. per year, with double digit growth every year for the last 8 years.

The major factor in the rise of audiobook sales over the last 5-6 years is accessibility. As a society, we are nearly always in motion. We have access to audio when we don’t have access to the written word or video.

And with few exceptions, we always, always have our cell phones around! People are listening BIG. The typical American reads four books a year. But audiobook listeners listen to an average of 17 books a year.

Audio also creates intimacy between the listener and the author. After all, your message is flowing directly into the listeners’ brain via their ears. You are literally becoming a voice in their head!

Brought to you by Spotlight Publishing House

CEO - Becky Norwood - Book Publishing Expert

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